What Color Is Dean Winchester's Hair

A Handy Guide to Dean Winchester's Cassette Tape Collection

Sam: …I swear man; you gotta update your cassette tape collection.
Dean: Why?
Sam: Well for one they are cassette tapes, and two— {Pulls out a few cassette tapes} Black Sabbath? Motorhead? Metallica? It's the greatest hits of mullet rock.
Dean: {Grabs a cassette from Sam and pops it in the player} House rules, Sammy. Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake hole.

I know what you're thinking. "Cassette tapes? Who even uses those anymore?" you might be asking yourself. "Why not get an iPod?" Look, iPods are the work of the devil, okay? Half of hell runs on Apple products… the half that isn't a bureaucracy. We have it on good authority that a whole circle of hell is now dedicated to standing in queues while the demons in charge of torture alternate between playing solitaire on a Windows 2000 and inputting incorrect information onto an IBM 5150. Apologies, I digress. Modern torture techniques in perdition aside, we damn well know heaven, hell and purgatory couldn't get Dean Winchester to dump his cassette tapes in exchange for a shiny new mp3 player. Or even a CD player. How does he even shop. I can't even…

Right, right. Today's post, we are going to present to you five key albums you should listen to. If you ever find yourself in the Impala, you'll know what to reach for in the glove compartment (if you're not reaching for the salt).

1. Lynyrd Skynyrd – All Time Greatest Hits

One of the most popular southern rock bands of the past century, Lynyrd Skynyrd are essential listening for an aspiring hunter. They are pretty iconic, and you can bet the devil your head that Dean's a Lynyrd Skynyrd fan. This album contains classics such as "Sweet Home Alabama", "SSimple Man", and what Freak Geek suspects to be Dean's favorite song in times of crisis – "Gimme Back My Bullets".

2. Creedence Clearwater Revival Chronicle Vol 1

With songs like "I Put a Spell on You", "Bad Moon Rising" and "Long As I Can See The Light" (as well as "Lodi", which you probably will remember from SPN 1.10), this album contains the essential twenty CCR hits you definitely do not want to miss out on hearing. "Born on the Bayou" is totally Benny's theme song. Fun trivia: Freak Geek's favorite song is "I Put a Spell on You"; she prefers Natacha Atlas's cover of it from the Ayeshteni album rather than Marilyn Manson's cover. Also, "Fortunate Son" has got nothing to do with the Kennedys, contrary to popular opinion.

3. Led Zeppelin – Physical Graffiti

I agonized for a long time over whether I wanted to put down Physical Graffiti or the '69 self-titled album. While Physical Graffiti is hands-down my favorite Led Zeppelin album, my favorite track hails from the other album – "Dazed and Confused", if anyone's wondering. Ultimately, the fact that the words "Swan Song" are emblazoned in tiny letters on the spine of my copy of Physical Graffiti, the fact that the album starts with a song named "Custard Pie" and the fact that "In My Time of Dying" is also on this album made me pick this album over all others. Despite the fact that the producers of Supernatural could not secure the rights to use Led Zeppelin tracks in the show, there are countless references to Led Zeppelin throughout the series. Dean often introduces himself and Sam as Special Agents Robert Plant and Jimmy Paige. His favorite tracks, as according to the show, are "Ramble On" and "Traveling Riverside Blues". Several of the episodes are named after Led Zeppelin songs. Fun fact – Led Zeppelin had a tour named "Swan Song". I'm pretty sure I've seen vintage tees from it on hipsters in Williamsburg.

4. Metallica – The Black Album

Personally, I'm not a Metallica fan. Actually, if you friend me  on Facebook, you'd probably find stories on your newsfeed that go along the lines of "Freak Geek has commented on Metal Up Your Ass's status – metallica sux". That's about the only point I think Dean and I disagree on, as he seems to be pretty into Metallica. The Black Album is Metallica's most famous, most iconic album. You'll want to hear the classic hits such as "Enter Sandman", "The Unforgiven" and "The God That Failed". It is the group's bestselling album of all time, having sold over 30 million copies worldwide. Interestingly enough, when Dean needs to calm down on the plane during "Phantom Traveler", he hums Metallica and Sam totally calls him on it. Anything Dean Winchester finds soothing is probably essential listening.

5. Rolling Stones – Hot Rocks 1964-1971

If I had to pick an all-time favorite band off this list, the Rolling Stones would be it, you know? There is virtually no one on this planet who hasn't heard of the Rolling Stones. This, of course, includes Dean Winchester. Songs like "Paint it Black", "Sympathy for the Devil" and "Ruby Tuesday" (which, let's be honest, is probably banned from the Impala, because come on, Ruby. Tuesday.) are essential listening for any Supernatural fan. Two of the Rolling Stones songs that appear inSupernatural that I can recall off the top of my head are "Play with Fire" and "Laugh, I Nearly Died". The latter is not on this album, regretfully – it's currently my ringtone. Fun fact – the tracks "Jumping Jack Flash" and "Sympathy for the Devil" are referenced to in Don McLean's classic '70s ballad "Bye Bye Miss American Pie".

Bonus Listening

Wanna score some bonus Dean Winchester brownie points? Check out some music by these artists, once you've gone through the list.

  • Charlie Daniels (check out "Legend of the Wooley Swamp for chills down your spine and "Devil Went Down to Georgia" for a pick-me-up post "Swan Song")
  • AC/DC
  • Steppenwolf
  • Survivor
  • Van Halen
  • WASP
  • Warrant
  • KISS
  • Megadeth
  • Foreigner
  • Kansas (do I even have to tell you to check out Kansas? REALLY? I'm disowning you.)
  • The Muddy Reds
  • Styx
  • Santana
  • Jimi Hendrix
  • Molly Hatchet
  • David Bowie
  • Bob Dylan
  • Def Leppard
  • Allman Brothers Band
  • Queen
  • Journey (if you don't know a single Journey track you've clearly never been to a bar full of hipsters, cheap beer and jukeboxes.)
  • The Animals
  • Jethro Tull

Author: Katherine Erlikh

I love candlelight dinners, long walks on the beach and killing demons. Usually you can find me at rock concerts. 90% of redditors believe me to be male. I'm pretty sure I'm Loki.

What Color Is Dean Winchester's Hair

Source: https://3chicgeeks.wordpress.com/2013/05/25/a-handy-guide-to-dean-winchesters-cassette-tape-collection/

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